Secret of Weight Loss
Maintaining a healthy weight is highly important for the overall health of a person. It is also essential for preventing and controlling a number of diseases and conditions. Obesity is one of the major reasons for many serious health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, breathing problems, gallstones, stroke, depression, back pain, infertility, and even certain types of cancers. You can enjoy your life and get more energy if you maintain a healthy weight.
If a person have high amount of body fat, he is obese. Body mass Index is an ideal tool for measuring obesity. Lots of factors affect the weight of a person. These factors include habit or behavior, metabolism, genetics, family history, and environment.
Though obesity is one of the most significant health problems for people around the world, there is no magical remedy for weight loss. Many people struggle for years to reduce their unwanted pounds. Permanent and successful weight loss is possible only through comprehensive lifestyle changes. At the same time, you must also change your eating behavior and should engage in physical activities. You must also set a goal if you are planning to reduce your body weight seriously.
Weight loss is not possible without reducing calorie intake. However, reduction of calories should not be severe. If you are hungry all the time, your body will not get sufficient amounts of essential nutrients. Weight loss objective can be achieved through moderate restriction of calories and increased physical activity. This will help you to burn more calories. A healthy weight loss diet consists of lots of fresh vegetables, fruits, beans, grains, etc. You must reduce the intake of sweetened beverages, snack foods, high calorie, high fat desserts, etc.
Weight Loss Secrets
Your body must be able to burn the calories you eat. So, consume fewer calories and engage more in physical activities. This is the secret behind a health weight loss. In order to maintain temperature in your body, it expends a great amount of calories. You also need fuel for the entire functioning of your body such as respiration, circulation, muscle movement, etc. Your weight is stable if your body utilizes the amount of calories you eat completely. When you eat more calories, your body stores extra calories as fat. This will lead to overweight or obesity.
Eating too much and too little must be strictly avoided. If you are extremely hungry, you will not have proper control over the quantity of food you eat. Sometimes, you may resort to eating to cover up your emotional feelings such as sadness, loneliness, angry, etc. This behavior should be avoided strictly. Do not eat anything if you are not hungry.
Combining eating with other activities must also be avoided. That means, it is not good to eat when you watch television or reading a book. Researches prove that the major reason for obesity is unconscious consumption of food.
You can reduce weight without going for starving or purchasing exercise equipment worth huge amounts of money. The most important thing for weight loss is the adoption of a healthy diet plan. However, it is very difficult for a person to stick on such plans. It is not good to skip your breakfast. Some people believe that they can fasten the weight loss objective by skipping a meal. It is merely a false belief. If you eat enough food, you can stay healthy and increase the chance of weight loss.
The amount of calories and fat in foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains is very low. These types of foods also contain essential minerals and vitamins. They are also rich sources of dietary fiber. So, they can help you to regulate your hunger. You must also restrict the intake of high fat foods. Flax seeds, salmon, walnuts, etc are rich sources of omega 3 fats. So, these foods should be included in your diet.
Sweetened beverages do not contain any nutrients, but they provide lots of calories to your body. You should also avoid soft drinks, iced tea, fruit juice, etc from your diet.
Importance of Physical Activity
Regular physical activity is essential for maintaining good health and reducing weight. When you are engaging in physical activities, your body utilizes more energy or burns out more calories. Physical activities are highly beneficial for maintaining weight, reducing blood pressure, reducing the risk of heart attack, type 2 diabetes, strokes, arthritis pain, osteoporosis and symptoms of anxiety and depression.
You can do moderate physical activities like brisk walking, light yard work, playing with children, biking, etc. Rigorous physical activities include running, jogging, swimming, jumping rope, basket ball, football or soccer, etc.
People with obesity simply resort to easier weight loss ways such as prescription medication and fad diet. These types of remedies are not good for achieving your goal. Some people desperately resort to partial stomach removal or stomach stapling for shedding excess pounds. All these methods cause dangerous impacts on your body.
Though reducing weight is a dream for all, only a small number of people follow the right way to reduce weight. They also may not keep this objective throughout their life. You can succeed in this effort only if you change your lifestyle and remove your bad habits.
Weight loss objective cannot be achieved without the restriction of calories moderately. However, you should plan your weight loss diet very carefully to avoid nutrition deficits. Ensure to include recommended amounts of all essential minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and fiber in your diet. Should not adopt a weight loss diet, which reduces calories severely.
Weight loss program is beneficial for all whose body weight is more than their ideal weight. However, it is highly useful for people with obesity and those who diagnosed with some medical conditions. You must also follow a balanced diet to keep your body healthy. Calories restricted diet is not good for children.
You must set a positive goal and attitude in your life. Weight loss is a slow and difficult process. However, you can attain it very easily if you are ready to cover a number of areas in your life. You can seek support from your family members, friends and even health professionals to achieve your goal.