An Analysis Of Dangerous Hypothyroid Symptoms

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People are not completely aware of the entire symptoms thyroid grand. This little butterfly-shaped thyroid gland can even endanger the health of your entire body. Though the gland is very little, it has unimaginable powers. metabolic functions of each and every cell in your body is controlled by this little gland. In other words, this gland is known as the master control center for the metabolic functions. Therefore, thyroid gland is capable to disrupt every part of your body. Besides, it can also make drastic changes in your daily life. According to the findings of scientific researches, hypothyroidism has strong connections to kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, liver, gall bladder disease and Alzheimer's. Hypothyroidism is the condition of your body's inefficiency to produce sufficient thyroid hormones.

According to the estimates of the Thyroid Federation International, around 300 million people around the world experience problems due to thyroid dysfunction. But unfortunately, more than half of them are not aware of their conditions. Under-active thyroid is the major cause of some of the deadliest diseases. Though a large number of people are in the turmoil of hypothyroidism, they go unnoticed. It is very hard to believe that hypothyroidism can lead to more than 300 symptoms. You must be aware of the long pathetic list of hypothyroid symptoms to fight against this deadly health problem effectively. If you are taking medications for any of the symptoms mentioned below, it is time to think again. Your health problem may be because of hypothyroidism. If anyone in your family suffers health problems such as thyroid disease, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, or auto immune disease, you must check the long list of hypothyroid symptoms very carefully. Here is an analysis of the entire symptoms.

Long List Of Hypothyroid Symptoms

Symptoms Relating to Energy Level and Sleep

Thyroid hormones are produced and regulated by thyroid gland. These hormones can affect your mood, energy level and even weight. It also has greater influence on depression as well. Endocrine glands are responsible for the production of hormones. Glands in endocrine system influence the development and growth, sexual function, metabolism, reproduction and mood. Here are the symptoms of hypothyroidism on energy level and sleep.

* Chronic fatigue
* Insomnia
* Snoring
* Sleep apnea
* Inability to concentrate
* Long recovery period after an activity
* Less stamina
* Weakness
* Need naps in the afternoon
* Frequent oversleep
* Wake feeling tired

Symptoms Relating to Your Weight

The hormones secreted by thyroid glands is used for regulating heart rate, maintaining healthy skin and it plays a crucial role in metabolism. Hypothyroidism can rob of your energy, kick-start depression, cause weight gain, make joint pain and dry out your skin. Here is a list of symptoms that are related to your weight.

* Weight loss
* Metabolic syndrome
* Abdominal fluid accumulation
* Inability to lose weight
* Weight gain
* Obesity
* Diminished appetite
* Heightened appetite
* Anorexia

Body Temperature

Do you feel too cold or too hot? This can be the indication of poor thyroid function. If your thyroid hormone is working properly, your body can make 65 percent energy and 35 percent heat. Your basal metabolic rate is governed by thyroid hormone. Hyperthyroid symptoms that related to body temperature are:

* Heat intolerance
* Night sweats
* Cold sweats
* Cold extremities
* Cold hands
* Cold feet
* Clammy palms
* Hypothermia
* Internal shivering
* Cold intolerance
* Low basal body temperature
* Little perspiration
* Excessive perspiration


Thyroid hormone can directly affect your body movement through the entire gastrointestinal tract. This hormone can increase your intestinal neurotransmitters, blood flow to intestines and repair and regenerate intestines. Hypothyroidism can lead to slow movement. The symptoms include;

* Slow speech
* Slow movements
* Diminished reflexes
* Slowed Achilles reflex


Hashimoto's thyroiditis is the most common cause of hypothyroidism. This is an autoimmune condition. In this condition, your body makes antibodies, which destroy parts of your thyroid gland. In such case, you may feel symptoms such as:

* Frequent flues
* Frequent colds
* Low immune system
* Chronic illness
* Frequent infections
* Candida (Yeast)
* Recurrent throat infections
* Recurrent nose infections
* Recurrent ear infections
* Recurrent skin infections
* Hard time recovering from infections
* Susceptibility to bronchitis
* Upper respiratory tract infections
* Repeated urinary tract infections
* Pelvic inflammatory disease

Symptoms Related to Autoimmune or Endocrine Diseases

Shrinking thyroid is the cause of autoimmune hypothyroidism. This condition is called Hashimoto's disease. Inflammation in thyroid gland is called thyroiditis. It can be caused by viral infections and Hashimoto's disease. When it occurs due to viral infection, your thyroid gland releases the entire supply of stored hormone into your blood. It can create a lot of health problems, which include:

* Cushing's disease
* Addison's disease
* Insulin resistance
* Type 2 diabetes
* Type 1 diabetes
* Celiac disease
* Graves Disease
* Hashimoto's disease
* Alopecia
* Premature ovarian failure
* Premature ovarian decline
* Pernicious Anemia
* Psoriasis
* Vitiligo
* Scleroderma
* Sarcoidosis
* Multiple sclerosis
* Systemic lupus erythematosus
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Sjogren's syndrome
* Reynaud's syndrome

The hormones such as triiodothyronine and thyroxine are produced by thyroid glands, which affect the amount of moisture in your skin. They also influence your body's metabolism, blood, heart and nervous system functions and body temperature. All these factors affect your skin indirectly. When your thyroid secretes too little or too much of these hormones, it can cause lots of bothersome changes on the overall health and texture of your skin. You may feel thickened and swelling of skin on legs, arms, hands, neck, lips, face, eyes, lipodema, lymphedema, ankles, and feet.


* Tinnitus
* Deafness
* Noises in ears
* Oversensitive hearing
* Vertigo
* Excess earwax
* Dry, scaly ear canal
* Internal itching of ears


* Poor focusing
* Drooping eyelids
* Blurred vision
* Achy eyes
* Gritty eyes
* Dry eyes
* Double vision
* Dark rings under eyes
* Red inflamed eyes
* Bulging of eyeballs
* Spasms of eyelids
* Frequent tics in the eyes
* Sensitive to light
* Cataracts
* Glaucoma
* Problems with night vision
* Puffiness around eyes


* Body hair loss
* Change in hair texture
* Premature gray hair
* Premature baldness
* Finer hair
* Coarse hair
* Brittle hair
* Frizzy hair
* Dry hair
* Hair loss
* Facial hair in women
* Eyelash loss
* Thinning of eyebrows

Due to hypothyroidism, you nails may become ridged, yellowish, soft, pale, brittle, thickened, striated and ingrown toenails. You may feel numbness and tingling on your face, back, arms, hands, feet and legs.

Symptoms Relating to Mouth and Throat

If your tongue is healthy, it appears in slightly pink color. It will be fairly smooth and moist. If your tongue is coated, dry, painful or discolored, it can be the indications of hypothyroidism. The other symptoms relating to mouth and throat are:

* Goiter
* Difficulty in taking deep breath
* Tenderness and pain in neck or thyroid area
* Sensation of pressure on throat
* Sensation of lump in throat
* Difficulty swallowing
* Salt cravings
* Distorted sense of taste
* Chocking fits
* Swollen tongue
* Sore throats
* Burning sensation in throat
* Thyroid nodules
* persistent teeth clenching
* Swollen gums
* Irritated gums
* Receding gums
* Bleeding gums
* Husky, low, hoarse voice
* Propensity of gum disease
* Propensity of cavities
* Halitosis
* Dry mouth
* Speech problems

Hypothyroidism can cause various types of cancers such as:

* Skin cancer
* Breast cancer
* Lung cancer
* Endocrine cancers
* Prostate cancer
* Thyroid cancer

It will be very hard for you to believe that the hypothyroidism can create these much problems on your heart. Here is a list.

* Chest pain
* Heart palpitations
* Heart flutters
* Skipped beats
* Arrhythmia
* Fast pulse
* Weak/slow pulse
* Low blood pressure
* High blood pressure
* High LDL
* High triglycerides
* High cholesterol
* Stroke
* Congestive heart failure
* Enlarged heart
* Poor circulation
* Fluid retention
* Plaque buildup
* Fibrillation
* Coronary artery disease
* Atherosclerosis
* Mitral valve Prolapse
* Heart attack

It can also create lots of problems on your lungs, which lnclude:

* Air hunger
* Difficulty breathing
* Emphysema
* Bronchitis
* Asthma
* Pneumonia
* tightness in chest
* Shortness of breath
* Pleural effusion

When it affects your gallbladder and liver, you may feel problems such as gallstones, gallbladder diseases, hypoglycemia, elevated liver enzymes, congestion of the liver and liver tenderness and enlargement.

Kidney and bladder problems include:

* Kidney stones
* Interstitial cystitis
* Decreased output of urine
* Frequent need to urinate
* Urinary incontinence
* Albuminuria
* Chronic kidney failure
* Irritable bladder syndrome
* Recurrent bladder infections
* Recurrent kidney infections

Hypothyroidism also affects your brain as well. You must be careful if you feel problems such as:

* Mania
* Delusions
* Hallucinations
* Voice in head
* Poor concentration
* mental sluggishness
* Brain fog
* Confusion
* Memory loss
* Panic attacks
* Depression
* Alzheimer's disease
* Dementia
* Suicide
* Bipolar
* Nightmares
* Schizophrenia
* Postpartum depression
* Personality disorders
* Los of drive
* Rage
* Substance abuse
* Obsessions
* Phobias
* Parkinson's disease

Emotional problems include tension, anxiety, mood swings, irritability, nervousness, lack of confidence, feelings of resentment, personality changes, etc.

When it affects your reproductive system and pregnancy, you may feel:

* Erectile dysfunction
* Drop in sperm count
* Abnormal testosterone levels
* Donor egg failure
* Still birth
* Miscarriage
* Infertility
* painful sex
* Vaginal dryness
* Sexual dysfunction
* Loss of libido
* Placental abruption
* Gestational diabetes
* Maternal anemia
* Breast leaking milk
* Birth defects
* Newborns with jaundice
* High birth weight
* Long gestation
* Low birth weight
* Premature birth
* Difficulty breast feeding
* Poor wound healing
* Prolonged labor
* Postpartum hemorrhage

It can also create some menstrual disorders such as:

* Sever cramping
* Very long cycles
* Irregular periods
* Heavy periods
* Scanty periods
* Cessation of periods
* Ovarian fibroid
* Endometriosis
* Hysterectomy
* Difficulty menopause
* Delayed menopause
* Premenstrual tension and syndrome
* Constant bleeding
* Failure to ovulate

It can also cause lots of digestion problems, including:

* Colitis
* Celiac disease
* Alcohol intolerance
* Food sensitivity
* Food allergy
* Loss of appetite
* Hard stools
* Hemorrhoids
* Constipation
* Ulcers
* Nausea
* Flatulence
* Excess gas
* Diverticulitis
* Abdominal distension
* Excessive belching
* Acid reflux

It can cause a lot of pain in your body such as gout, arthritis, plantar fasciitis, heel spur, joint stiffness, Tarsal tunnel syndrome, muscle and joint pain, wrist pain, chronic back and loin pain, chronic headache, migraine, fibromyalgia, TMJ, joint pain, aching muscles and bones, cramps, and painful soles and feet.

When it affects your skin, you may feel:

* Skin tags
* Rashes
* Pigmentation in skin creases
* Boils
* Pale lips
* Pale skin
* Dry mucous membranes
* Coarse patches
* Cracked heels
* Flaky skin
* Dry itchy scalp
* Dry skin
* Acne
* Bumps on legs
* hemophilia
* Slow wound healing
* Easy bruising
* Cellulite
* Eczema
* Lichen scleroses
* Moles and warty growths
* Premature aging
* Varicose veins
* Hives
* Allergies

As said earlier, these much of symptoms of hypothyroidism are beyond your imagination. So, you must be very careful if you feel any of these health problems.

Jess Varkey

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.