Echinacea Extract Review

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Echinacea is a very popular herb. The roots, leaves and flowers of this plant are used for making medicine. Echinacea genus, a group of herbaceous flowering plants, has nine species. These are commonly called coneflowers. Native Americans were using this plant for several hundred years before the arrival of European settlers, explorers and colonizers.

Health Benefits of Echinacea

Today, Echinacea is widely used for lots of infections, illnesses and conditions. It is a highly beneficial medicine for fighting common cold and other infections. Echinacea extract is also used for treating conditions such as:

* Acid indigestion
* Dizziness
* Diphtheria
* Chronic fatigue syndrome
* Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
* Rheumatism
* Rattlesnake bites
* Pain
* Migraine
* Malaria
* Gum disease
* Genital herpes
* Typhoid
* Flu
* Syphilis
* Streptococcus infections
* Septicemia -bloodstream infections
* Vaginal yeast infection
* Urinary tract infections

There are various studies conducted for finding the medicinal benefits of Echinacea. This product has the power to activate chemicals in your body that reduce inflammation, cold and flu symptoms. This product is also helpful for stimulating your body's immune system. The chemicals that found in Echinacea have the power to attack yeast and other types of fungi directly.

Though there is no sufficient evidence, the product is also used for anxiety, exercise performance, human papiloma virus, low white blood cell count, tonsillitis, eye inflammation, warts, chronic fatigue syndrome, eczema, hay fever, allergies, bee stings, etc.


The doses may vary depending on the methods used for preparing Echinacea. In order to prepare a tablet containing Echinacea crude extract, 95 percent herb and 5 percent root are used. 6.78 mg of two tablets must be given 3 times daily for treating common cold and influenza.

20 drops of Echnacea purpurea herb juice for every 2 hours can be used for 8 weeks. Echinacea herbal compound tea contains flowers, leaves and stems of this plant. 5-6 cups of tea can be used daily. 20 drops of echinacea liquid can be used in every 2 days during the first day of symptoms.

Who should not take Echinacea Extract?

The medicine is not suitable for children under 12 years, women during pregnancy and breast feeding women.

Side Effects

Echinacea extract is safe for most people for short term use. However, enough information is not available regarding the safety of this product for long term use. Some people experience some side effects, which include nausea, fever, stomach pain, unpleasant taste, vomiting, joint and muscle ache, disorientation, insomnia, dizziness, numbness of tongue, headache, dry mouth, sore throat and diarrhea. The medicine is possibly safe for children. However, around 7 percent may experience some side effects due to allergic reaction. Therefore, regulatory organizations are against giving this medicine to children under 12 years.

If you are allergic to mums, ragweed, daisies, or marigold, you must consult a doctor before using echinacea. When the medicine is applied on skin, you may experience problems such as rash, itchiness or redness. The medicine is not good if you have an inherited tendency toward allergies.

What other Drugs will Affect Echinacea Extract?

Some drugs interact with echinacea moderately. So, when you use this combination, you must be extra careful. Those medicines are described below.


Your body can break down caffeine to avoid its adverse effects. But, echinacea may decrease this process. It may cause too much of caffeine in your blood stream, which may lead to some health problems such as headache, jitteriness and fast heartbeat.

Cytochrome P450 3A4, lovastin, clarithromycin, cyclosporine, diltiazem, estrogens, indinavir, triazolam, etc can interact with echinacea.

Immunosuppressants, clozapine, cyclobenzaprine, fluvoxamine, haloperidol, imiprimine, propranolol, tacrine, zolmitriptan, etc also interact with echinacea. Though midazolam has minor interaction with this herbal medicine, you should be careful while using the combination. Echinacea extract review reveals that this medicine is safe for common use.

Jess Varkey

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.